Subscription Policy

Cancellation & Refunds

If you cancel your monthly or annual subscription within 30 days of your initial signup, the free 30-day trial will be auto-applied, and a full refund will be provided.

All other cancellations (after the free trial) will apply from the start of the next month e.g. If you cancel on the 20 of the month, payment will still be required up until the end of the month. Any fees paid from the next month onwards will be refunded (for both monthly and annual subscriptions).


Monthly subscriptions can be in credit by up to one month. Annual subscriptions can be in credit by up to 12 months. In rare cases e.g. when the number of properties in the subscription is reduced any credit will be applied to the next renewal period. You can request via email or helpdesk ticket to have this amount refunded.

Recurring Transactions

Subscriptions will be set-up as a recurring payment.  We will email an itemised invoice of the amount that will be charged to your card several days prior to the charge being made.  Just prior to your subscription expiring the amount due will be charged to the card we have on file.  The amount charged will be adjusted to cater for subscription price changes or credits that may exist on the account. As outlined above you can cancel your subscription at any time. 

Please also read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy for more details.